Online-Accesses HAPPY TOGETHER

Welcome to this Online Training and zour Memembership to the BEAUTY OF LIFE - Club whith it's Community and Activities! Congratulations für your commitment to make a difference! Get to know and enjoy the different sources of inspiration, healing and excitement. Find out how to use the different facilities, links for meetings, exercises, lectures as well as participating in sessions and webinars. I am very much looking forward to meeting you here and support you on your path.

The INTRO-Program can be upgraded anytime to BASIC (with the intensive Group-Process-Work with Camera / Joining) or ADVANCED (with individual Privates Sessions & Group-Process-Work).


Contemplation- & Process-Session _on Zoom-Audio → Mondays 7:00 - 8:00 AM (German)

Contemplation- & Process-Session _ on Zoom-Audio → Thursdays 7 -8 AM Englisch 



For meeting, sharing, clarifying questions around the lessons. Zoom-Video → Mondazs 4 PM



Video training based on Psychology of Vision and Psychosynthesis (11 lessons)




Discover lectures, explanations, coachings, performances, meditations as well as personal healing stories related to awareness and relationship.



Informiert und gut vernetz zu sein unterstütz unsere Prozesse und vermeidet Verzögerungen und Missverständnisse. Kurzfristige Ankündigungen laufen über unsere

Falls Du noch nicht in unserem Verteiler bist, kommst Du hier zum   


NOTICE: No events on German holidays and in our vacation times. Please consult the event schedule on the main page. Using Taking part in this program you agree to the integrity of the use of these contents as well as the respect of their copyright. These contents can't be passed on or forwarded without the explicit permission by BEAUTZ OF LIFE - Institute.